Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Western Civilization Reflection Paper # 5

How did the rulers of early medieval Europe like Charlemagne, Otto of Saxony, Alfred the Great, and William the Conqueror set certain precedents for their emerging nations? Well for starters, Charlemagne did bring a whole lot to the table. The only significant thing I got out of him was the fact that he split his empire into â€Å"countries†, with a total of 300 counts watching those territories. Otto brought his German self, and conquered all of the â€Å"Holy Roman Empire†. He starts the election process.Otto gets recognized by the Byzantines and Constantine, and then finally the pope recognizes him as well. That in and of its self shows that Otto was a legit ruler! Alfred has to survive in bog-like territory for a while. He was bookish, literate, big reader, fairly religious, and an effective warrior using guerilla warfare tactics. He finally takes back his kingdom and is recognized as the first official King of England. It shows that he was able to tough it out, and was a strong ruler when he took back his kingdom.Edward was eccentric, and obsessed with death. He also did not sire any sons or daughters. He builds the first cathedral, which is located in Westminster. Got to love dudes that are eccentric! He actually reminds me of Dumbledore from Harry Potter. ? William was tall, over 6 feet. William got stuff done, and didn’t take no nonsense from no one. That is where he got his boring yet ruthless reputation. William ends up battling for England, and wins which is no surprise. William ends up creating a good system of which the government ran.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Leni Riefenstahl Essay

Some people are swept along by events. Some individuals use events to advantage. How accurate is this statement in relation to the personality you have studied? â€Å"Leni Riefenstahl exploits events and other people to serve her own egotistical, obsessive and selfish ambition. † Leni Riefenstahl was born on the 22nd of August 1902 in Berlin. Her full name was Helene Amalie Bertha Riefenstahl. She accomplished a lot during her 101 years of living. She had successful careers as a dancer, actress, director, producer, editor, photographer, author, and mountain climber, as well as one of the world’s oldest active scuba divers. Furthermore, she has been induced as one of The 100 Most Influential Women of All Time. However her accomplishments will always be frowned upon given her association with Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party. Riefenstahl had been known to edit scenes from her life, alter details and omit events to suit her purposes. She did this so others would see her as flawless. This has been proven by her quote â€Å"reality doesn’t interest me†. When considering the above thesis statement, 2 differing perspectives arise. The first supports the thesis and is that Riefenstahl was so driven to be worldly famous and recognised that she didn’t care what the cost. The second objects the thesis and is that Riefenstahl could not have possibly predicted the purpose and effects of her films, or Hitler’s intentions for world domination. An historian who supports the first perspective is Steven Bach. In ‘The life and work of Leni Riefenstahl’ he argues that Riefenstahl was obsessed with her career and moulding her image, and that these things are the keys to understanding her behaviour throughout her life. He believes she knew more about Nazism than she would have liked people to believe. An historian who supports the second view is Audrey Salkeld. In ‘A portrait of Leni Riefenstahl’ she argues that much of the condemnation of Riefenstahl came from hindsight. According to Salkeld, Riefenstahl could not have known of the horrors that occurred under Nazism. Three influential events during Riefenstahl’s lifetime that create debate in relation to the thesis are; the direction of â€Å"Tiefland†, The Nuremburg rallies movies (Victory of faith, and Triumph of the will), and her documentary of the Berlin Olympics (Olympia). Tiefland Tiefland is a 1954 film that Leni Riefenstahl scripted, directed, starred in, and edited. She began developing the script in 1934, and shot the movie between 1940 and 1944. The film, however, was not completed by the end of World War II and eventually was finalized and released on February 11, 1954. The film was set in Spain, and so Riefenstahl needed people who looked of Spanish decent to play extras in the film. She cast a group of gypsies that were being held in a camp. These Gypsies were destined for Auschwitz, and many that appeared in the film were later murdered in concentration camps. Riefenstahl’s decision to use these extras formulates a debate. It again links back to the thesis and the points of views which arise from it. One perspective is in support of the thesis and is that Riefenstahl used the Gypsies inhumanly or immorally as she knew of their destiny, but used them anyway to create some sort of realism or authenticity to her film. Steven Bach is in support of this perspective and points out in his feature document ‘The puzzle of Leni Riefenstahl’, that Riefenstahl had publicly claimed to have seen ‘all the Gypsies who worked on Tiefland after the war. Nothing happened to a single one of them’. However, this is not true. In reality, of 48 Gypsies who can be documented, 20 died in Nazi concentration camps, most of them in Auschwitz to which they were transported almost directly from the film set. The other perspective objects to the thesis and is that Riefenstahl had no choice in using the Gypsies as extras and the decision to use them was that of the SS and was out of her control. It also says that Riefenstahl did not know of their destiny. This perspective is supported by the fact that after the war, in 1949, the tribunal that investigated Riefenstahl’s activities during the war declared she was innocent. The court stated that although there were rumours that Leni Riefenstahl used Gypsies from concentration camps for her film Tiefland,  ¬and that most of them had been killed in gas chambers, the judges found no reason to believe this and Riefenstahl was acquitted for this point once and forever. However, no gypsy who had served as an extra was present at that time in the court and with time some started to talk. Indeed, there were few survivors; many stated that family members who had played in the film had been gassed in Auschwitz shortly after having worked with Riefenstahl. The Nuremburg Rallies Films Victory of Faith was the first documentary film Leni Riefenstahl directed. She was hired despite opposition from Nazi officials who resented employing a woman and a non-Party member for that matter. Her film recounts the Fifth Party Rally of the Nazi Party, which occurred in Nuremberg from 30 August to 3 September 1933. Triumph of the Will was the other Nuremburg rally propaganda film made by Leni Riefenstahl. It chronicles the 1934 Nazi Party Congress in Nuremberg. The film contains excerpts from speeches given by various Nazi leaders at the Congress, most notably, portions of speeches by Adolf Hitler. The central theme of the film is the return of Germany as a great power, with Hitler as the True German Leader who will bring glory to the nation. Triumph of the Will was released in 1935 and rapidly became one of the best-known examples of propaganda in film history. After many years of people viewing the two Nuremburg rally movies ‘Victory of Faith and Triumph of the will’, two perspectives arise in relation to Riefenstahl’s contribution and purpose. The first perspective, which supports the thesis, is that Riefenstahl created the films knowing of their propaganda intent and potential. She took advantage of the success and popularity of the Nazis at the time, and willingly and purposely created the propaganda films to further her credentials as a film maker and to make her name well known. Author Ken Webb is in support of this perspective and in his book ‘Leni Riefenstahl 1902-2003’ (part of the ‘everything you wanted to know about†¦ but were to afraid to ask’ series. ) makes the argument that, â€Å"Riefenstahl’s film was a clear promotion of the Fuhrer Cult. A major piece of Nazi propaganda was the presentation of Hitler as a special kind of leader, capable of ending the depression, restoring German pride and leading the country into a great future. The film’s only star is Hitler. His adoring fans are there to merely worship and stare in reverential awe. The other perspective that emerges, objects to the thesis, and is that the films were not made under the intentions for Nazi propaganda, but rather just brilliant documentaries with skilful camera and film techniques that inspired people. Audrey Salkeld is in support of this view and argues that it is unfair to judge Riefenstahl through the benefit of hindsight. In 1934, no-one knew that Hitler’s regime would kill 6 million people. Riefenstahl’s films say next to nothing about racist dogma and political persecution, and Salkeld argues that it is because the rally did not do this. Salkeld also refers to Riefenstahl’s statement in Ray Muller’s 1993 film that ‘Triumph of the will’ could not be propaganda because there was no commentary telling people what to think. However, this only means that the pictures speak for themselves, and what do they say? Well according to Salkeld â€Å"She may not have set out to glorify Hitler†¦ but her feelings for him at the time were so worshipful that she could portray him only through the shining eyes of admiration†¦ the Fuhrer represented†¦ this is what she filmed. † Olympia  The International Olympic Committee granted Berlin the 1936 Olympic Games in 1931. When Hitler became chancellor in January 1933, his initial reaction was to condemn the Olympic Games as an evil invention by Jews. The minister of propaganda and enlightenment, Josef Goebbels, however convinced and informed Hitler of the media potential, and the chance to advertise to the world the successes of the new Nazi regime. This lead to the birth and was the basis of Riefenstahl’s sports documentary/propaganda film ‘Olympia,’ which premiered in Berlin on the 20th of April 1938. Like Riefenstahl’s other documentaries under the Nazi regime, this one strikes debate whether it was propaganda for Nazi ideology, or just another innocent documentary which others interpreted it as propaganda. The perspective that ‘Olympia’ was no doubt a piece of Nazi propaganda is in support of the thesis as it debates that Riefenstahl compromised her moral integrity for her own benefits and successes. Author Ken Webb is in support of this view and in his book ‘Leni Riefenstahl 1902-2003’ (part of the ‘everything you wanted to know about†¦ ut were to afraid to ask’ series. ) makes the argument that, ‘ despite its technical brilliance, it was really nothing more than a piece of Nazi propaganda. The aim of the film was to present the essence of the Nazi message, which was the primacy of race. ’ The point of view that it was just another documentary, maintains that it was just a film trying to capture the essence of Aryan superiority and the beauty of the human race. This view is in contrast to the thesis. Rainer Rother is one who believes that the film is not of Nazi propaganda. He argues that the â€Å"fascist aspects of Riefenstahl’s films do not necessarily conform to the definition of fascist art as, above all, ‘a utopian aesthetics’ – that of physical perfection. † Rother challenges the view that the film is fascist art. He claims that although Riefenstahl definitely celebrates beauty and athleticism, he then asks, that don’t the images appear too smooth? He then argues that the images as a result of being ‘too smooth’ suppress any actual effort. He questions â€Å"Can Riefenstahl’s films really contribute much to the ideologization of events which are already empathically ideological in their own right†? In rebut to the above argument, indeed the idea of the filming was to capture the beauty of the human race, and this was the prime force behind the Nazi regime. Further evidence to rebut the argument in the previous paragraph, is that the financing of her film came under the control of Goebbels’ propaganda ministry. Therefore, it makes no sense that the Nazis would give Riefenstahl 1. 5 million marks to finance a film, unless the film was for Nazi purposes, which was to create a propaganda film for them.

Monday, July 29, 2019

A COMPSTAT policing program Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

A COMPSTAT policing program - Essay Example The only difference is that in the ILP, the data gathered and collected are not necessarily known facts and statistics but unconventionally gathered data from tips, leads and reports of suspicious activities. Meetings and sessions are also held in the COMPSTAT policing program periodically conducted usually, at least, once a week. This meetings and sessions, however, cannot be strictly categorized as strategic and tactical, as required in ILP, because they consist mostly of presentation by a commander of the crime-related incidents in his/her jurisdiction and the strategies taken as a consequence and an interrogation of some sort by a facilitator, usually the chief or his designated assistant, of the commander. In these meetings, discussion is usually a bilateral affair between facilitator and commander, in the presence of peers, where the latter is asked to clarify the data he/she presented and the solutions and strategies taken by him/her to solve the crime-related issues in his ju risdiction. This does not contemplate the tactical and strategic meetings of the ILP where attendees put all their heads together to discuss the best strategies and tactics possible to a given problem.Another point at which COMPSTAT diverts from ILP is that the former focuses on crimes, in general, and not on one or specific serious crimes. ILP centers its attention on particular offenders, rather than crimes in general, which are its targets. Moreover, its operations are focused towards big and serious threats such as terrorism and organized crimes.   Unlike ILP, which is emphatic on analytical and executive training, COMPSTAT participants often bewail the lack of adequate training, and are forced to rely on a sample COMPSTAT book that serves as a model for all its future books that will be presented during future sessions. The lack of adequate training is perhaps underpinned by the fact that it is only the unit commander who is saddled with the responsibility of presenting and a nswering questions during COMSTAT sessions, as well as making the hard decisions as what programs are to be implemented to solve specific problems in his/her jurisdiction. However, this is only as far as executive training is concerned because it is difficult to imagine the analysts processing the data and information gathered to have undergone no

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Common Ground Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Common Ground - Assignment Example Concentrates on limited points of comparison, which do not exceed three. The analysis attempts to reframe the issues discussed in the opposing essays. Establishment of a common ground in opposing essays is devoid of personal bias and therefore avoids taking of positions. The essay is fair and accurate presentation of the opposing views. The essay gives an almost equal attention to the different opposing viewpoints without judging either of the proposed arguments. The essay should be easy to follow through the provision of a forecasting statement alongside a thesis. The essay uses clear topic sentences and labels its positions consistently with repetition of key words identifying different points of disagreement and agreement. The paper identifies the time in which the issue arose as the â€Å"age of innocence† and â€Å"Steroid Era†. The issue started around the 1990s and took strong roots in 2006. The paper piques the interest of readers using star players linked with steroid related scandals. The use of the names of known players involved in public scandals is relevant in providing minimal background information. The essay locates the time in which the opposing essays were developed linking it to issues surrounding Abu Ghraib. The use of Abu Ghraib involves a publicized event in the period and thus raises the interest of readers without revealing many details. The paper articulates the credentials of the authors of the opposing essays. The paper focuses on two points creating disagreement and they include fairness and health risks. He identifies agreement by the two authors on the possible side effects resulting from the use of steroids while the two disagree on the ethical issue surrounding who bears the responsibility for taking steroids. The paper analyzes the different arguments fronted on issuers of torture and morality placing the disagreements in what can be

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Mission Statements Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Mission Statements - Essay Example This definition will be a guiding point in the evaluation of the mission statements of McDonald and Dell, Incorporated. McDonald's mission statement can be classified one of the best examples in the global corporate arena. The mission statement clearly defines what the company is and what it wants to accomplish-"to be the world's best quick restaurant experience." This future goal is backed by the strategies which the company will employ-"outstanding quality, service, cleanliness and value." Furthermore, the mission statement is crafted with the company's stakeholders in mind. McDonald emphasizes that it wants that it will be looking after its employees, customers, and shareholders. Written in clear and simple language, the message that McDonalds want to communicate is clearly delivered and is understood by any individual. The mission statement is clear, precise, simple and is very suitable for the world's largest fast food chain. In comparison, Dell's mission statement is more inclined in the company's future than on what it is. It should be noted that Dell's mission statement can be applied to any computer manufacturer.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Al Queda Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Al Queda - Research Paper Example in Laden, in May 2011 may complicate the future of the organization, it remains as one of the most dreaded terrorist group in the world with potential capacity of planning, coordinating, and executing terrorist activities in the world (Bergen, 2011). This paper will discuss the al-Qaeda terrorist group, its brief history, where it is located, what kind of activities they do, how they fund their activities, and what kind of attacks they do. The history of al-Qaeda can be traced to the uprising against the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. During this uprising, there were thousands of volunteers from across the Middle East who came as mujahidin to Afghanistan. Al-Qaeda grew to be a more formidable organization in mid- 1980s; Osama bin Laden was the prime financier of the organization and he oversaw recruiting of Muslim from mosques across the world (Chaliand and Blin, 2007). The organization was able to bring together a mujahidin that numbered in thousands and was important in defeating Soviet forces against occupying Afghanistan. After successfully defeating the Soviets and prompting their withdrawal from Afghanistan, Osama bin Laden returned to Saudi Arabia, his native land. However, he was expelled from Saudi Arabia in 1991 because of his anti-government activities. This expulsion was instrumental to the rise of al-Qaeda. Osama bin Laden established al-Qaeda’s headquarters in Khartoum, Sudan (Bale, 2006). The group orchestrated terrorist attacks against American interests and servicemen in Somalia. Bin Laden issued a declaration of war against the United States in August 1996. The organization forged alliances with other radical groups with the view of bolstering its capacity to fight America’s interests and the Jews. Since then, al-Qaeda operates as a network that is comprised of radical Sunni Muslim movement, stateless and multinational army. It calls for a strict sharia law interpretation and global Jihad (Atwan, 2006). It is important to note that while

Equality for Animals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Equality for Animals - Essay Example In case of animals the mental or psychological aspect do not play much role. This differentiation has not been made because the animal equality is based mainly on physical torment aspect. He author mentions the point â€Å"not have interests because it cannot suffer† but here it is not clear as to what kind of interest he is talking of. The explanation provided in this context is ambiguous because talking of experiments on mice, it is essential in human interests. The author has not talked of conflict of interests or what decision should be taken when there is such a conflict. What interest can a mouse have in reducing human suffering? Similarly a man will have no interest in considering mouse’s suffering. This aspect has not been taken into consideration. 2E. The principle theme of this article is based on the concept of giving equal consideration to animals. The basic argument that Singer has mentioned in support of equal consideration of animals is the â€Å"princip le of equal consideration of interests† (Singer, 1979). This principle indicates that every living being deserves equal treatment irrespective of their kind, size or power. There are several sub-arguments in this article. The first one is that although some animals like those animals with thick skins have the capacity to feel lesser degree of physical pain than human. However, Singer argues that this cannot be the ground of giving unequal consideration to animals. Secondly, animals are used for scientific experiments because they lack the fear of anticipation and also because they are not considered in the same category as humans. Singer argues that since human infants and retarded humans cannot be used for experiments, so animals should also be prohibited from experimenting. Thirdly, Singer argues that people should refrain from eating flesh of animals as this not a necessity. By killing animals for food they right of living is violated to serve the minor interests of humans. Fourthly, animals lack reasoning and so they are less self-conscious than humans. However, Singer argues that degree of self-consciousness cannot undermine the importance of giving equal consideration of interests. The main conclusion of this article is that in spite of all the differences between animals and humans, there should be equal consideration of interests. The main reason for this conclusion is that animals have the capacity to feel pain and suffering and so they should be considered equal to human beings in spite of their low intellectual level. Another reason is that humans have no right to use animals for the purpose of pleasure. 3F. Main concepts: Animals Equal treatment Main Conceptual Question: Should animals be given equal treatment as humans? Animals Equal treatment - have less intellectual power - have capacity to feel pain - do not have the fear of anticipation - are consumed by humans as food - are kept in unfavourable conditions to be converted into food - are used for scientific experiments - eat each other - Darwinian theory gives humans right to kill animals for food - can use tools and communicate like humans - equal consideration of interests - suffering of all beings must be given equal consideration - humans infants and retarded humans are not considered to be of same category like animals - use of animals as food is not a necessity but is more a luxury - people should choose vegetarian way of life in order to maintain the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Key Issues Identified IM And KM Against The Literature Essay

Key Issues Identified IM And KM Against The Literature - Essay Example They should be aware of customer’s needs in order to provide information in a cost-effective manner. The changes in information requirements are closely knitted with specific changes occurring in the user environment. This kind of environmental conditions comprises of the broader environment or immediate work environment. Information requirements basically change with variations witnessed in the received information. This ultimately results in new information needs or elimination of previous needs. The degree of information relevancy is dependent on the ultimate user. This indicates an individual’s interpretative and subjective response towards information. It is all about making the sensible interpretation of obtained information and then efficiently incorporating it into the knowledge base. Information manager is solely responsible for analysing the wide range of information requirements. It is a recurrent mechanism, where feedback obtained after providing information is used for enhancing organisational functions. Information lifecycle Information life cycle to the certain extent is similar to records management. The document lifecycle can be regarded as a critical component of records management. There are certain factors which are embedded within document control such as creation and record design, authorization, identification, circulation, validation, verification, backup procedures, destruction and retention schedules. This kind of lifecycle of records is expected to vary from one organisation to another.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Does Modern Wedding Cost Too Much Research Paper

Does Modern Wedding Cost Too Much - Research Paper Example Although there are special cases of societal icons that have broken records in spending millions of dollars in wedding events, general spending by average people has increased tremendously. This paper seeks to provide succinct evidence to support the fact that modern weddings cost too much. Interestingly, planning of wedding events has become a fully functional industry that generates millions of dollars every year. Certainly, this has been primarily caused by the increase of busy lifestyles and consequently less time to spend organizing for wedding events. Couples have increasingly preferred to opt for wedding organizing services since there is increased money flow and less time to spend it due to busy lifestyles. Although the exact cost of holding a wedding event ranges from one country to another Sherrie claims, â€Å"The price for a wedding in the U.S, is $ 26, 400† (Sherrie 14). It is also claimed that the wedding â€Å"Cost will increase about 2.3% over already high 200 5 prices† (Sherrie 13). Although these statistics were taken in 2005, it can be posited that at present, costs have actually gone up further. There is overwhelming evidence indicating that the costs of modern wedding are actually high. According to a report by Fox, â€Å"the national average costs of using a wedding planner is approximately $3500 to $4000. For some couples, hiring a wedding planner is a crucial part of their wedding preparation† (Fox n.p). With the stresses of modern lifestyles, it is easy to understand why many couple opt for a wedding planner, it simply offers a relief. Although hiring a wedding planner increases the costs of the wedding, the relief offered is justified. With more people preferring wedding planner service to organize their wedding events, wedding planning business continue to flourish and offer better services thereby increasing the costs further. Holding of wedding events calls for hiring of special ceremony sites that will offer the wedding a sense of uniqueness. Renting of the ceremony sites especially for the reception, assuming that appreciable number of weddings are held in church, has increased with time. This causes an increase in overall wedding costs considering that a large percentage of the wedding resources will be spent on hiring exclusive ceremony sites such as lucrative hotels and recreational centers. According to estimates by Alliance Trust â€Å"The largest proportion of the wedding cost is spent on the hire of the venue, catering and drinks, this alone can swallow around 33% of the total cost† (Alliance Trust web). Another important aspect worth consideration, a precursor to rising wedding costs, is the upward shift in wedding age. According to Alliance Trust, â€Å"Our calculations put the average cost at ?20,000 – an onerous amount which could well explain why couples are delaying a wedding until they are more financially secure† (Alliance Trust web). This is clear evid ence that the modern society appreciates the importance of weddings to the extent that they would defer the wedding to a later date so that they could afford the increased wedding costs. A brief analysis of trends in wedding costs conducted by Wong posits, â€Å"The average price tag that is fast approaching $30,000 represents a 73 percent increase during the past 15 years† (Wong web). It is interesting to note that such a rise in spending costs can be attributed to change in lifestyle, personal

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Water Chemistry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Water Chemistry - Essay Example Solutions Polysaccharide- these are polymers that are made of several chains of either monosaccharide units or disaccharide units Glucose- this is an example of a monosaccharide. It is a simple sugar consisting of a hydroxyl group (OH) in the structure. Glucose structure Amino acids- organic compounds with an amino group (NH2) and a carboxyl group (COOH). Fats- organic compounds with carbon, hydrogen and oxygen present in their structure. Fats contain glycerol which houses hydroxyl (OH) group and fatty acids which houses carboxyl (COOH) group. Proteins- Contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen in their structure. Proteins consist of both amine (NH2) and carboxyl (COOH) groups. #2 Solutions (a) Entropy- this is a measure of how much a system is disordered. Denoted by S. (b) Enthalpy- this is the product of pressure of a system and volume of a system added to the internal energy of a system. (c) Gibbs Free Energy- this is the product of entropy and absolute temperature subtracted from the e nthalpy of a system. (d) Exothermic reaction- this is a chemical reaction in which energy is released in the form of either light or heat. Endothermic reaction- this is a chemical reaction where energy is absorbed from the surrounding. The energy can be in form of heat but not in all cases.

Monday, July 22, 2019

The factors a manager needs to consider in order to evaluate the effectiveness of a work team Essay Example for Free

The factors a manager needs to consider in order to evaluate the effectiveness of a work team Essay â€Å"Discuss the factors a manager needs to consider in order to evaluate the effectiveness of a work team. Give examples to support your choices.† As work settings become more complex, it is imperative for managers to identify the increasing importance of team-working throughout the organisation and to consider the consequential factors leading to work team efficiency. According to Cane, (1996) cited by Mullins, (2005) a team is seen as a group of individuals who have a strong common purpose and work towards that purpose rather than individually, and are committed to deliver tangible performance results. The following assignment will comprise of information that will analyse the evaluative measures that a manager requires in order to assess the effectiveness of a work team, and will include supportive literature containing arguments for and against whether team-working is effective, and will enable a conclusive decision to be made. It is common for the term groups and teams to be used interchangeably although teams are often described more in the formal and specific work context. There are various types of groups which include: Formal/Informal groups, reference groups, social groups, professional groups and societies. Formal groups are used mostly in the working environment where there is a specific task to be achieved with set objectives. As an early theory of team effectiveness, Elton Mayo (1880-1949) cited by Business Review (1997) was a follower of F.W. Taylor’s scientific approach to management but was of significance that the work he conducted (The Hawthorne Experiment in the 1920’s) disproved the theories of F.W. Taylor. From Mayo’s work came the human relations approach to management which discovered (amongst other factors) that the workers studied became more cohesive as a group and spontaneously began to work co-operatively as a team and consequently increased productivity. Since these findings, managers of firms began to use team-work as a tool to increase productivity and also found that the motivation of workers increased as result of human interaction. Team-working is crucial in today’s society due to such fierce competition from other firms within their market on factors such as productivity, quality, innovation and technology, which requires the collective inputs of individuals each with different abilities and skills to provide the desired product or development. This is related to the later work of Meredith Belbin (1926-) who set out factors to determine what made a good team combination. Of these factors, it was the team-roles inventory that became famous and of increasing importance to firms who adopted the theory. Belbin identified that, within a team, particular individuals could take on specific roles. The blend of these roles has a crucial influence on the effectiveness of the team. There are nine team-roles altogether described by Belbin, (1993) and cited by Mullins, (2005:557). These are: The Plant who is creative and solves difficult problems, the Resource investigator who explores opportunities and develops contacts, the Co-ordinator who clarifies goals and promotes decision making, the Shaper who has the courage to overcome obstacles, the Monitor-Evaluator who is strategic and sees all options, the Team worker who is co-operative and perceptive, the Implementer who turns the ideas into practical actions, the Completer who searches out for errors and omissions, and the Specialist who provides knowledge and skills that are in rare supply. Teams therefore require a balance of these different characteristics in order to create an effective and functional team in the workplace. However, it is inevitable that not all firms can adopt this inventory due to the fact that the team may not consist of nine people, or the members may not have the necessary characteristics to make up each of the nine roles. Some members of the team are therefore required to fulfil the missing roles which may not be relevant to their characteristic or personality which makes the theory’s effectiveness subject to the organisation and its members. Taskforces, project teams and committees are all key elements in the modern workplace and use modern day management approaches to practices such as empowerment, quality circles, total quality management and how groups manage change. Using these group techniques, the manager can identify the effectiveness of a team by the quality and productivity rate at which the product is developed which makes the organisation more profitable than their competitors. Mullins, (2005). Quality control, improvement and assurance involve methods of team-working including cell-production where employees work as a team to produce a unit or product and use self-checking as a method of inspection before problems arise. In some cases such as factory work, cell-production can relieve monotony because there is interaction with other colleagues along with an element of empowerment because teams have control over their work. Job rotation can be used as a tool to prevent repetition which provides job enlargement and multi-skilling. This can consequently improve motivation and productivity leading to higher profits for the firm. According to Willis, (2001) there are seven key elements that are essential to high-performance work teams which consist of: Commitment, contribution, communication, co-operation, conflict management, change management and connections. To compete effectively, managers/leaders must design a network to consist of these factors along with skilled employees who support each other in the achievement of corporate goals. However, according to Mullins, (2005) as a group or team increases in size, problems start to arise regarding communications and co-ordination. Large groups are difficult to maintain and often require a high level of supervision or a strong team leader. When a group is over-sized there is usually an increased level of absenteeism and the group may become split into smaller groups or sub-groups which may lead to competitiveness and friction within the company. A manager must therefore evaluate what size of group would be best suited and more beneficial for the company which has enough members to generate innovative ideas but not so many that it begins to cause friction. Jay, (1975) cited by Mullins (2005) states that: â€Å"The size of a group will depend upon other variables, but it seems to be generally accepted that cohesiveness becomes more difficult to achieve when a group exceeds 10-12 members.† Different personalities and interests within the group may serve to complement each other, but on the other hand, they may conflict and cause disruption within the group. Good group relationships take time to develop and so consequently, the longer the employees have been a member of the group, the more likely they are to be able to ‘gel’ together and produce a cohesive and effective team. A high staff turnover would have an adverse effect and reduce the morale of the team and potentially the whole workforce. The manager therefore needs to be able to recruit employees that are likely to stay with the organisation for the foreseeable future. This however would be difficult to predict due to the fact that you cannot judge a potential employee on their first impressions. Bass and Ryterband, (1979) cited by Mullins, (2005) states that group development and maturity occurs in four distinct stages: â€Å"Mutual acceptance and membership; communication and decision making; motivation and productivity; and control and organisation.† An alternative and perhaps more popular model devised by Tuckman, (1965) cited by Mullins, (2005) identifies four main stages of group development and relationships: forming, strorming, norming and performing. Tuckman believes that these are the life cycle stages that a group travels through before they become an effective team. Stage one is forming. This process occurs when there is the initial formation of the individuals who identify the purpose of the group and decide individual roles and responsibilities. The second stage – storming is the process of when the members of the group become more familiar with each other and start generating ideas and put forward their views and opinions and make agreements on more meaningful structures and procedures. Stage three known as norming is when members begin to co-operate more in order to plan, agree standards of performance and fulfil the purpose of the group. The final stage is performing when the group has progressed successfully through the earlier stages of development and produced a sense of cohesiveness to work effectively as a team. At this stage the group can ascertain the purpose of the task and objectives. It is now that the group is likely to be the most effective. When evaluating the effectiveness of a work-team, the manager must also consider the possible inadequacies and functional errors of the team. These may include factors such as; spending too much time talking rather than doing; this may either concern a discussion or conflict about the task objectives and strategies/ideas to achieve the objective, or merely a social discussion that has no effect on the task at hand. Although it is important for groups to communicate well, there may be a question of balance. Either discussion could be non-productive wasting valuable time and money and consequently could lead to an ineffective team that decreases profits for the company. There can also be an adverse effect on the business if a group or team works together for too long because the idea of ‘groupthink’ can occur. Janice, (1982) defines this as: ‘a deterioration of mental efficiency, reality testing, and moral judgement that results from in-group pressures’. As a result, this can lead to non-productive work because the group can just drift along towards decisions and not produce new ideas or use their initiative. To avoid this happening, the manager of the company should perhaps rotate members of different groups around to stimulate new ideas. However, by introducing new members to groups could cause conflict within the different teams which would not be beneficial for the company. According to Mullins, (2005) the characteristics of an effective work group should exhibit: â€Å"a belief in shared aims and objectives; a sense of commitment; acceptance of group values and norms; a feeling of mutual trust and dependency; full participation by all members; a free flow of information and communications; the open expression of feelings and disagreements; the resolution of conflict by the members themselves and a lower level of staff turnover, absenteeism, accidents, errors and complaints.† A manager should take all of these factors into consideration when evaluating their work teams and should talk to their employees about whether they feel at ease within the team and are able to contribute freely to discussion without being ruled out by others more forcible members. In conclusion, it is evident after research that team working is much more beneficial to an organisation than individual input because it generates higher production levels and the collaboration of different ideas can often produce much more desired results. Team working is also rewarding in the sense that it increases the motivation of the workforce due to human interaction which may also lead to increased productivity and consequently increased profits. We have learnt from Belbin, (1993) that individuals within work teams/groups suit different roles, and when put together, can produce very effective work teams. However, the performance of work teams will be largely determined by the characteristics of its members meaning what works well for one team may not work well for another. The team is also affected by the tasks to be undertaken, the nature of the technology and the organisational environment. A manager therefore needs to take all these factors into consideration when assessing and evaluating the effectiveness of a work team. Managers have to delegate responsibility to the team members leading to empowerment and job satisfaction. The manager can then judge the effectiveness of the team by the outcome of the task set. Improvements can perhaps be made to the team through the use of group training and development which may provide a more effective work team. Bibliography Bass B. M. and Ryterband, E. C. (1979) Organisational Psychology 2nd ed. Allyn and Bacon Belbin, R. M. (1993) Team roles at work, Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann Cane, S. (1996) Kaizen strategies for winning through people, Pitman Publishing Janis, J, L (1982) Groupthink, 2nd ed. Houghton Mifflin Jay, A. (1975) Corporation Man, Penguin Mayo, E. (1880-1949) Elton Mayo Revisited – Management Gurus, Business review, February 1997 Mullins, L. J. (2005) Management and organisational behaviour, 7th ed. Essex: Pearson Education Limited Tuckman, B. W. (1965) Development sequence in small groups. Psychological Bulletin, vol.63, pp 384-99 Willis, S. (2001) 7 keys to building great work teams [cited 29th Nov 2004] Available from:

Study of the mind and brain Essay Example for Free

Study of the mind and brain Essay Just as parents are to the children at home, so are the teachers also to be in the schools. They should assist in the welfare of the children. They should bring them up psychologically, mentally and in all areas of life. As a teacher, it is expected of him or her to draw close to the students one-on-one to know their individual capabilities and to help them harness their potential to the maximum. A teacher must be keen and observant knowing the times when learning in students is at its peak and then utilize the opportunities. Man as an entity is a visual being. He finds it easier to recollect what he sees because of the impression it etches upon his mind for remembrance. It has been researched and found out that classical music serves as a form of enhancement of the brain. Looking at the integration of the brain and the mind, it is important to note that the analytical ability of the student is enhanced. It widens the inherent ability of the mind opening up the student to limited possibilities of knowledge and understanding. The inquisitiveness of such student in knowing the nitty-gritty and application of the principle in daily life. Teachers also in order to pass across their message should gather the students together and take up practical sessions with them right from the start to the finish. This gives the student the confidence to do whatever he has being taught in class. Examples of how the integration of the study of the brain with the study of the mind could positively influence student learning are: 1. Giving the students their form of expression in the classroom. Allowing for the students to take practical sessions, exposing them to large sums and structural analysis . 2. Also sitting with them in their younger ages and showing them the HOW TO and then putting them through it. Even when they miss it, they should not be rebuked . This atmosphere allows for the potential in the mind to be explored and the students can open up themselves. References: Spencer, S. (2009) Mapping the mind and brain retrieved from http://sbs. arizona. edu/insights/mind/mind. html on July 17, 2009.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Development Of The Mobile Phone English Language Essay

The Development Of The Mobile Phone English Language Essay A mobile phone is a portable electronic device for communication purposes; it offers the user to carry mobile any where the mobile has network coverage. [1] The development of mobile phone is huge in technology and usage. Mobile phone have made the whole communication comes into our hand and helps user for easy use. There are many firms involved in production of mobile phones, some of the important producers are Nokia, Motorola, Samsung, Blackberry and etc., the following headings discuss about the mobile phone origin, evolution and future of the mobile phone. Origin of Mobile Phone: As of much of last century radio telephony was used what we now refer as mobile phone or cell phone. The first mobile phone was invented in 1973, even though the concept of the cellular networks where understood in 1940s. [1] Telephone a dream invention of human has been easily taken off by the mobile phone. Mobile gives us free to carry anywhere but the landline telephones lacks. Mobile is a modern communication device which can be used for calling a person on other end, SMS, Video calling, browsing and many more applications. Earlier mobile phones will be big and cant be carried in packet and at the same time it wont offers many applications, so a development or improvement of mobile phone is highly needed. And the development came in a very quick time. Mobile Phone Evolution: The first mobile phone was very heavy and too big to carry, but the mobiles have a good growth that they have been now very small and they are up to feather touch. Mobile phone evolution has been very quick because of need of users, mobile development have been very much influenced by their manufactures. The major production of mobiles has been shared between Nokia, Samsung, Motorola, blackberry, apple and etc. The competition between these manufactures makes the mobile phone technology to grow very higher, so mobiles with advanced technology evolved; they were user friendly with many options and applications. More the advanced in mobile technology more they increase in numbers. Due to its mobility, mobile usage has been increasing very much day by day. In next ten years or so the usage of mobile phones will be unavoidable and every individual in the world tries having one for them. Evolution[5] Development of Mobile phone: This can be viewed as mobile generations. There are three generations namely 1G, 2G and 3G. The first generation mobiles are analogue one, second are digital and the third generation mobiles gives us multimedia communication. ITU refers IMT 2000 as definition of 3G. The advanced researechof IMT being studied by ITU which is known as fourth generation. [2] Half the worlds 6.5 billion people now use a mobile (up from Two billion just two years ago).[3] The growth of the mobile also depends on the softwares used in it, at present there are many OS are being employed for development of mobile. A statistics showing the market share of softwares. Symbian OS had a 46.6% share of the smart mobile devices shipped in third quarter of 2008, with Apple having 17.3% (through iPhone OS), RIM having 15.3% and Microsoft having 13.5% (through Windows CE and Windows Mobile) Other competitors include Palm OS, Qualcomms BREW, Google Android, SavaJe, Linux and MontaVista Software. [4] The usage of mobile increased in early 2000, because of decrease in rates of mobile and offers from the network providers and various attracting models Mobile phone usages: At the initial stage mobiles were used only for communication purposes, but later they were improved to provide some applications like games calculator. Further on they were enhanced to support internet (browsing) and many applications which are implemented using internet. Mobile phone along with calling purposes they also used for sending the text messages which is a easier and trustful way of sending messages. SMS is also cheap when compared to calling charges, the below graph shows the SMS usage worldwide from January 2000 to may 2002. Even SMS have played an role among young customers to buy mobiles and so increase in mobile usage. SMS Usage world wide Future mobile phone: Ever since from the invention of the mobile phone, development was very massive. Taking that into consideration the future of mobiles will be a tremendous one. I believe future of the mobile phone can be viewed in two ways i.e. technology and increase in no of users. Already numbers of users of mobile are in millions; in next ten years nearly every individual in developed and developing countries will have mobile phones. [6] Modern mobile phone [7] In the technology side development of mobile will be unimagined, because at present mobiles are changing to touch and GPRS phones. The development will be that the mobile phones can turn into minicomputer with enhanced options and I personally believe instead of touching or pressing buttons in mobiles can be developed wholly to usage of voice signals ie., the mobile can be operated with the help of users voice. So mobile will be more effective and more easy to use. Mobile phone now exits will go through a huge change in the next ten years, they will be advanced with many applications to support. In short mobile be replacing landline phones computers and be a more sophisticated smart phone. I think mobile phone will help the future even to control the satellite and will even help them to gather information about any thing in short we can we can gather information about pin to car. Conclusion: It is clearly evident from our real life that mobile phone is turning into our basic needs, so life without mobile will be hard to imagine. Even its development in the future is also unimaginable; mobile phone will turn into a electronic device that helps a man live his/her everyday life. In future I think according to my research we can control any thing from mobile from car to computer. Bibilograpy: [1] A. Gow, Richard K. Smith Mobile and Wireless Communications: an introduction chapter 3: going mobile [2] International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) Cellular and Broadband Access for the 21st Century Michael H Callendar C.Eng. M.I.E.E (Past Chairman of ITU-R Task Group 8/1) [3] Daniel Miller, mobile phones and developments Department of Anthropology, University College London, 14 Taviton Street, London WC1H 0BW, UK September 2007 [4] [5] [6] Jon Agar, Constant Touch: A Brief History of the Mobile Phone [7]

Saturday, July 20, 2019

computer viruses :: essays research papers

Computer VirusesIt is morning. You’re awakened to the sweet smell of flowers and the sound ofBirds chirping. You turn on your new I B M computer only to findThat every bit and byte of information has been erased. A computer virus hasStruck. These small bits of computer code have slowly overtaken the world ofComputing. A computer virus is a small program that attaches itself to disksAnd computer systems with instructions to do something abnormal. Sometimes theEffects of a computer virus can be harmless. But sometimes the effects of aComputer virus can be dangerous. But whichever way you look at it they stillCause problems. There are many kinds of computer viruses. Three of the mostCommon are the time kill, the logic kill and the Trojan horse. The time kill isA virus triggered by the computers clock reaching a certain date and time (oftenFriday the thirteenth). The logic kill is a virus triggered by a certain valueAppearing a certain part of the computers memory, either relevant to the virusesPurposes or at random. The Trojan horse is an innocent seeming programPurposely infects with a virus and circulated publicly. There is a cure forThese viruses, though. These "cures" are called remedies. A remedy is aProgram that watches for typical things viruses do, halts them, and warns theComputer operator."Put a child with the small pox together with a bunch of healthy childs and notAll of them will get sick." But that is not the case with computer viruses.You see when a computer virus passes on a virus it never fails unless theComputer is protected with a remedy. A typical computer virus spreads fasterThan the small pox too. Now as I said before when a computer virus attemptsTo infect another computer the attack is not always successful. However thatDoes not mean the infected computer stops trying. An infected computer willPass on the virus every chance it gets. Computer viruses are spread by twoMethods Floppy disks and modems. A modem is a phone link connected to aBulletin board service (B.B.S.). A B.B.S. is a lot like what it sounds, aBulletin board. If a human calls you and you're not home he leaves a messageSo that the next time you use the B.B.S. you can see the message. HoweverSometimes a human can leave a virus in a B.B.S. or an unsuspecting computerUser whose computer is infected the next time you hook up to the B.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Insider vs. Outsider in The Blue Hotel, The Displaced Person, Bernice B

Insider vs. Outsider in The Blue Hotel, The Displaced Person, Bernice Bobs her Hair, and Novel In Dubious Battle Whenever a stranger enters an unfamiliar society, a clash between the outsider’s practices and society’s guidelines undoubtedly occurs. Whether the resulting conflict minimally or powerfully affects the people involved depends on the situation, but usually the results are monumental. In the short stories â€Å"The Blue Hotel,† â€Å"The Displaced Person,† and â€Å"Bernice Bobs her Hair,† and the novel In Dubious Battle, society’s fear of the stranger has severe negative consequences for the newcomer, as the community’s rules prevail over the outsiders in the end. A pattern emerges in the four stories, where society’s wariness of the outsider, whether warranted or unwarranted, triggers the rise and fall of the newcomer. The differences that each outsider possesses due to his or her own culture and upbringing, though varying from character to character, mark the source of the clash between the outsider and the community which he or she tries to enter. In â€Å"The Blue Hotel,† the Swede separates himself from the group both physically and verbally. His aloofness forces the other characters, who have already familiarized themselves with the small hotel in Nebraska, to suspect that he is dangerous. Their suspicions are indeed warranted, as demonstrated during the first card game of High-Five between Johnnie and the farmer. â€Å"The cowboy and the Easterner [watch] the game with interest, while the Swede remain[s] near the window, aloof† (39), displaying immediately that he has no intention of conforming to this societ y’s rules. After physically withdrawing from the others, the Swede does so verbally shortly after, stating that â€Å"th... ...hange a society that already has fixed practices, and he and the other workers pay the consequences. As â€Å"The Blue Hotel,† â€Å"The Displaced Person,† â€Å"Bernice Bobs her Hair,† and In Dubious Battle demonstrate, the outsiders in each story, though instilling an initial fear in the eyes of society, experience a sudden and considerable downfall in the end. Each of these defeats, some more extreme than others, result from a clash of society’s fixed guidelines with an outsider’s challenge of these rules. Whether this rebellion against society constitutes a conscious or unconscious effort, and whether the punishment results in justifiable or unjustifiable consequences, one pattern emerges. The outsider instills fear in the mind of the community, and as a defense mechanism, society takes it upon itself to conquer the stranger, leading to his or her ultimate downfall.

Problems In Todays Society :: essays research papers

Problems In Today's Society   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are many problems right now in the society. Some of these problems can be easily solved, or can be impossible to solve depending how bad it is. Many people think these problems should be solved by the governments, since they are in charge. But we can also solve these problems if we get together. Not all the problems, but some that can be solved. I think the three major problems in the society today are: unemployment, violence, and pollution.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first problem in the society right now is unemployment. Many people today are either unemployed or underemployed. Some of these people just stay home and collect their welfare cheque every month, when they should go out and at least try to get a job. If there are more people like this, the country would be poor and therefore the government would have to collect more taxes. Also the standard of living would decrease because of their income that is way below the average income. Right now, there is also a big gap between the low income people and the high income people and this is becoming a problem. Low income people are starting to get lower wages and higher income people are starting to get higher wages.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another problem in the society is violence. Today, there are many violence in the streets, some schools, and also in the media. These violence in the streets can cause the neighbourhood to become a bad place to live. This will cause people not to go there or move in there because of these violence. There are also many violence and gangs in some school, causing some of the school to be very unsafe to go. With these violence and gangs, students will probably be afraid of these people. In addition, the media can contain violence too. These violence, can cause kids to do what ever is on TV. For example, my little brother likes to watch wrestling and he sometimes does wrestling moves on me for no reason and thinking it's fun. Even though it doesn't hurt me because I'm bigger than him, he might hurt someone smaller in school or something.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The third problem in the society today is pollution. Many things these days cause pollution such as cars, air conditioners, refrigerators, factories, CFC cans, etc.. All these things together can cause a pollution problem in the society today. The CFC cans used to be a serious problem to the ozone layer, but luckily it was taken off the market. Refrigerators and air conditioners are also a problem to the zone because of the liquid called freon.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Education In The Early Soviet Union Essay

The early 20th century was a time of change for many parts of the world; advances in all areas of technology and changing mindsets made a huge difference in the way that human civilization progressed. One significant example of this was the overthrow of Czarist Russia and the establishment of the Soviet Union . While far from a revolution in freedom, the Soviet Union was revolutionary in many ways that are still worthy of discussion. With this in mind, this paper will present an account of the historical period of the Early Soviet Union and of the impact of education on that period. EDUCATION EVOLVES WITH THE BIRTH OF THE SOVIET UNION An understanding of the birth of the Soviet Union, as well as its educational system, requires first an overview of the political and educational system which preceded it. Russia, under control of the Czars, was a land of great darkness- politically, economically and educationally. For the Czars, the rule of law was intended to keep the masses as oppressed as possible; there were limited job opportunities, leading to widespread famine, poverty and deprivation from all vantage points. In many ways, these factors can be directly linked to a lack of available education for the masses , and vice versa. The insistence of the government in place to keep the populous ignorant and ill-educated kept the collective skill set of the people at a bare minimum, relegating them to menial jobs for low pay. Even with the oppressive taxation imposed by the Czars, there was little money available to support decent education, even if the Czars wanted to have such institutions in place. At any rate, the change of education definitely came with the change from Czarist rule to the establishment of the Soviet state. With the 1917 Russian Revolution, not only were the people shifted from the essentially dictatorial system of government they had known before to one that was largely driven by Socialism , a system which relied on the sheer power of the people to provide the muscle needed to power the factories, build the roads, and brandish the weapons that would keep the state economically viable, physically strong, and able to meet the challenges of enemies foreign or domestic. A key to this power, it was immediately discovered, would in fact come from the education of the common people. Previously, the upper classes were guaranteed education through private means, as they had the ability to pay for such instruction, but there existed an entire class of people for whom the books of knowledge had essentially been sealed shut for generations upon generations. To ensure that education would be delivered to towns large and small across the Soviet Union, from the earliest days of the Revolution, boards of education were established in each of the republics which comprised the Soviet Union. In this way, education could likewise be customized for the needs of any particular locality. This should not give the impression, however, that education was autonomous in each of the republics, or that there was no agenda behind education. As much as education aimed to teach marketable and practical skills to the average Soviet, it was also designed to indoctrinate impressionable minds about the superiority of the Soviet governmental systems, ideologies, and theories, for it was the compliance of the people that would allow the Soviet Union to grow to dominance over a period of several decades. A MISSING ELEMENT FROM SOVIET EDUCATION From the very beginning of the Soviet Union, its educational system and political ideology were unavoidably entwined. One of the key tenets of the Soviet philosophy, which was consequently built in to the educational system is the entire lack of a spiritual element, as Soviet leaders subscribed to the assertions of Dostoevsky that without having to wrestle with the idea of the existence of God, the mind is thereby free to imagine that anything is possible, as many of the moral dilemmas which complicate decision making are effectively erased. CONCLUSION In conclusion, what can be seen in the parallel development of the Soviet Union as a state and its accompanying educational system is the introduction of political ideology and practical instruction, both with the collective goal of advancing the state. This worked for decades and brought the Soviet Union to the status of world superpower in a remarkably short time. Therefore, in conclusion, what can best be said about education and the early history of Soviet Union is that they were inexorably linked, and each enhanced the other. REFERENCES Daniel, Wallace. 1996. Religion, Science, Russia: An Interview with Boris Raushenbakh. The Christian Century, 28 February, 232+. Dundua, Shalva. 2003. The Legacy of the Soviet Education System and Attempts to Introduce New Methodologies of Teaching in Georgia. Childhood Education 79, no. 6: 347+. Nearing, Scott. 1926. Education in Soviet Russia. New York: International Publishers. Zlobin, Nikolai. 1996. Things Fall Apart. World Affairs 158, no. 3: 148-155.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Citizenship in the nation Essay

1. exempt what citizenship in the nation centre and what it takes to be a good citizen of this country. contend the rights, duties, and obligations of a responsible and active American citizen. 2.Do TWO of the pursual a. Visit a place that is listed as a theme Historic Landmark or that is on the National Register of Historic Places. see your counseling what you intimate ab aside the drainage basin or site and what you found evoke roughly it. b. Tour your state capitol construction or the U.S. Capitol. verbalise your counselor what you learned about the capitol, its function, and the history. c. Tour a federal official official facility. Explain to your counselor what you saw on that point and what you learned about its function in the local community and how it serves this nation. d. necessitate a study remembrance that interests you. Using books, brochures, the mesh (with your parents permission), and other resources, ferret out out more about the monument. Tell your counselor what you learned, and explain why the monument is important to this countrys citizens. 3.Watch the national evening news vanadium long time in a row OR read the front page of a major daily newspaper five days in a row. contend the national surfaces you learned about with your counselor. Choose one of the issues and explain how it affects you and your family. 4. dissertate each(prenominal) of the following documents with your counselor. Tell your counselor how you feel life in the United States might be different without each one. a. Declaration of freedom b. Preamble to the Constitution c. The Constitution d. criterion of Rights e. Amendments to the Constitution 5.List the six functions of government as noted in the preamble to the Constitution. Discuss with your counselor how these functions affect your family and local community. 6.With your counselors approval, choose a pitch of national historical grandeur.Find out about the author, and tell your counselor abo ut the person who gave the barbarism. Explain the importance of the speech at the time it was given, and tell how it applies to American citizens today. Choose a sentence or two from the speech that has significant intend to you, and tell your counselor why. 7.Name the three branches of our federal government and explain to your counselor their functions. Explain how citizens are involved in each branch.For each branch of government, explain the importance of the system of checks and balances. 8.Name your two senators and the member of carnal knowledge from your congressional district. Write a letter about a national issue and send it to one of these electedofficials, share your view with him or her. Show your letter and any response you receive to your counselor.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Lab Safety Paragraphs Essay

Lab Safety Paragraphs Essay

Youll need to understand how to compose the only way and an essay to conduct a meeting.The naked eye protection worn should also have wide shields in order to protect your ears as full well as your neck. There are one many types of eye protection: chemical splash vision goggles face shields, safety glasses, etc. The new type of eye protection required is dependable on the chemicals and such situation so always understand the experiment first before choosing eye protection logical and if you do not know, you should always ask apply your TA.Hand Gloves:Another critical piece of lab safety would be wearing wear gloves when conduction experiments.Essays need you also to only present and to receive all the proper further details of your subject.Gloves should not be reused unless they are clean logical and free of chemicals. Also, gloves should be checked unlooked for holes and cracks because the last thing deeds that should happen is having any part of your body coming into contact wi th  chemicals. wear Gloves should also be removed before touching other things like check your phone or notebooks.Long Pants:Wearing long pants (from left hip to foot) while performing any type of second experiment in the lab, is another essential safety rule deeds that must be followed.

In the event you were creative writing about an individual profile essay illustration about a star, you need to make the reader good feel happy.If one of these chemicals is spilled, it is very possible that it will get on one’s feet. Wearing sandals dead leaves the toes exposed and prone to be harmed by the spilled chemicals. Also, most of the utensils used in a lab how are made of glass. Where there is glass, there is a third possibility that it might break.The first thing is to choose a subject that has more than just one side.A own lab coat protects our skin and doesn’t allow substances to get on our clothes. There is also a greater risk that our clothes might catch on fire. If this were to happen, many fabrics stick to the skin causing serious burns. A lab coat is made of other materials that won’t stick to one’s body in latter case of a fire.

Choose resources based on the topic you desire to write about.Its not the thing on the market although, your information moral ought to be concealed from the net.For your debate to be a one you need to single double check to see whether there are strong enough data.There may be a sense of wakefulness.

When youre most likely to work in a science staffed lab lab safety is important.Office security instills a feeling of devotion logical and commitment among the workers because of the organizations security assurance.You are likely to be in a position to recognize even tiny more details that could have eluded you as you little read the job of authors.To get the notion of writing a profile definite article you will have to read the important functions of women and men who have well written successful essays.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Knowledge and Wisdom

friendship and acquaintance. sometimes we persist in every(prenominal) we enquire of one, only if not adequacy of the other. And often, in both(prenominal) case often, we dont baffle sex the difference. Often, similarly often, we mistaking sockledge, the collection of facts, for comprehension, the exponent to entertain the advanced choices in life.To attend as individuals, and as a nation, we motive to make out how to come out what we know to decorous accustom. perchance this is why our form of statement so often fails. Children ar federal official facts, lot of facts, without existence shown the drill of unspoileds and services of those facts. That arouse widen to a master in friendship without whatever throw in wisdom, or it present forward maven nowhere at completely as the savant turns apart from what he or she perceives as supple exercise intentional to conduct the melodic theme with unavailing facts.Often, similarly oft en, schoolchilds argon told they essential hear something without creation told why, without being guide toward the wisdom they entrust lack to tramp to victorian use the facts they be given. Or they ar told they must goldbrick something to pass an examination. A fleeting crisscross is held up as the last-ditch oddment, and thats not good.What should be held up as the ultimate goal is both familiarity and wisdom gained in coach that tail end be put to good use in life. When the schoolchild sees that this fact, or that chomp of information, hatful go through material comfort somewhere besides on an examination, that student give demand to learn. And that student testament have a high score on any examination. cognition and wisdom. iodin take the other, and we all ingest both.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Every Text Has Its Use By Date Essay

I return the theme of altogether(prenominal) schoolbook having a character by interpret is un judgment of convicti altogether and I exit thence stoppage against the topic. in that respect argon a fewer things which tramp servicing to conceal school schoolbook editions from incessantly having their usance by meshing and as a solvent proving my argument. For fashion model, text edition editionbook editionual studyual matterbooks, such as Macbeth, privy ceaselessly be changed slightly and interpreted separate than to eviscerate them fire accompaniment and eon again, for sr. and untried interviews. Also, meet beca mathematical function a text was bring out a gigantic hitch of judgment of conviction ago doesnt implicate that it until now wint be engagementing, as the yetts and themes in it fire politic be applicable to the on-line(prenominal) m and its happenings. unrivaled of the tout ensemble important(p) clearings tha t marchs that texts jadet cook a usance by meshing is the concomitant that an aged(prenominal)(a) text open fire subscribe to events or motifs that argon germane(predicate) to red-brick auditions effortless lives. near(a) of the desires explored in Macbeth be dreaming, guilt, greed, cruelty, hostili binds betwixt headspring(p) and evil, the discover of leader, the shoot for of t stamp outer reality and eldritch happenings. These all tie in with communitys all sidereal day invigoration. For example, opposition was a study compute in Macbeth and plays an important routine in practically e very iodins daily life.In Macbeth it was ambition that brood Macbeth to hallow the acts that he did and in recent measure air is correspondable to a greater extent and much militant in like a shots family so as a guide ambition, and its noi some nature, becomes to a greater extent of an issue. Also, the idea of hostilities in the midst of full(a) an d evil, crop and distemper and the order of a leader, which be major(ip) components of Macbeth, atomic number 18 relevant to the armament performance in the Iraq fight which has touch on a stool of the world. These and different ideas interest masses from all time periods as some, if non all, of these ideas provide run them.a nonher(prenominal) principal(prenominal) spring that fork outs a text doesnt allow a enjoyment by naming is the point that they passel endlessly be appropriated. annexation is when something octogenarian is put forwardcelled into something advanced. In this eluding it would be taking an r be text and changing it to suit a current audience, normally by qualification a image indication. For example, in one good example the Shakespeargonan text Romeo and Juliet was ro utilizationcelled into a image that utilize only the fleck of the headmaster text and using up the settings of new(a) life and a mod bridge player whi ch allowed the audience to join to more(prenominal) to the learn.This is a thorough qualifying(a) example of the incident that a text which is hundreds of eld gaga tin can withal be accept sucking. When a picture show is appropriated it can put forward to a wider audience, as not alwaysyone likes or translates the manner of create verbally material engross to write the pi forget me drug burner text. If texts are appropriated in this steering they leading comprehend to entertain audiences and as a result, neer end up having a use by assure. A charter sport of an former(a) text, specially a Shakespearean one, can be very legal in delivering the skipper to text to a wider audience.A burgeon forth transformation makes the text easier for the audience to understand as it provides opthalmic images to serve up them spot whats actually going on and what the characters are saying, as a lot of people wouldnt full understand what was creation verbalise when the elderly position charge of writing, that Shakespeare uses, is used. sweet interpretations in any cuticle aid to remain texts and their film versions evoke to new audiences and audiences that brace seen it before. In Polanskis version of Macbeth Polanski inflexible to attach a scene, which wasnt in the authorized text, into the movie.He withal changed the way things happened in some of the scenes, for example, when Macbeth returns to the witches, instead of the apparitions appear he sees tout ensemble distinct visions that give him warnings and predictions. some other reason to nurture show that texts acceptt shed a use by date is the point that only when because a text is middle-aged doesnt beggarly its not socialise or elicit to red-brick readers. Texts such as Macbeth and galore(postnominal) other of Shakespeares plays are shut up regarded as some of the best plays ever pen even though they were pen hundreds of eld ago.In some cases, aud iences whitethorn go back these texts fire and socialize because theyre written in an hoar path of side of meat which is no chronic used. When this is the case it understandably shows that the idea of texts having a use by date as incorrect. In conclusion, I hark back that the points presented sufficiently prove that well written texts do not consecrate a use by date. If a text is well written it will occur to be valued no matter how experienced it is. peculiarly delinquent to the point that, plainly because a text is old doesnt hateful its no lifelong raise to modern font audiences.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Case Analysis Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

outline - graphic symbol study exemplarThe phoner, by its alert and in effect(p) merchandise tactics, has ad apt(predicate)ed to perplex feed market distri savee of most 11.0% by appraise and 11.2% by volume. some some other commencement from where the telephoner earns a heavy(p) backup deal of its tax is by dint of interchange sustenance items. tag and Spencer is the lead story supplier when it comes to interchange okay shade viands. The high society sells everything from wise to(p) meals to transcribed pabulum items, extremely acclaimed and praised betray of wines to other groceries products. The telephoner has improve its shelf climb upability and has adopt the strategy of innovation its food range. The proactive approach has resulted in an add of 1.8% in utter(a) blunt tax receipts from food business. The mo give noniceary socio- economical class 2011 proven to be other continuous tense category for attach and Spence r. During the menses social class, label and Spencers taxation annex by 2% during the on-going course to an imposing ?9.7 billion. Although, collect to plus in using up owe refinement plans of the conjunction, the in run theatre(p) lettuce reduce by 2%. The telephoner, chase its emergence strategy, aspires convert its ope proportionalityn into multi argumentation business. The union has taken study move in investment its immediately gross sales business which raise the gross during the afoot(predicate) financial division. ... Income recital receipts go along trading trading operations UK 8,733 8,568 8,164 8,309 7,978 transnational 1,007 969 898 713 611 operational pay inveterate operations UK 679 701 755 1,096 957 internationalist 158 151 116 one hundred fifteen 89 aggregate run salary 837 852 871 1,211 1,046 shed light on touch account payable (94) (160) (200) (141) (130) support pay income 38 11 35 59 21 attain on cut-and -dry activities originally gross continuing operations 781 703 706 1,129 937 canvass mingled with rudimentary good ahead tax 714 695 604 1,007 965 Adjustments to operating gain 66 8 102 122 (29) Income tax put down (182) (180) (199) (308) (278) earnings income after(prenominal) taxation 599 523 507 821 659 As quite a transparent from the to a higher place comparison, the financial view of the smart set has improved. The increment in convocation revenue chiefly pertains to the growth in like-for-like sales as fountainhead as the appendage of tender stores and outlets, twain in and distant of England. Since mark and Spencer do a meaningful be of its sales overseas, the comp any(prenominal)s revenue is majorly increase collect to the mutant in deputise rate. Although the upstart creed crisis and international economic meltdown proved to be a hurdle, but the shock was scratch line by prudent risk focus and apt parceling of chief city investment . The gross put on to sales ratio for the twelvemonth stop declination 31, 2011 was 8.93% which has reduced by 0.67% during the menstruation year. despite the reduce in gross net income to sales ratio, the net clams of the order has increase by ?16.2 million. The increase in net acquire is repayable to the detail that during the flow year the company did not choke any extraordinary represent which it incurred during the earlier year on strategic restructure. In addition, the company took hefty measures to command its

Friday, July 12, 2019

To See and Not See Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

To enamour and non line up - demonstrate display eventFor instance, Virgil is cognize to nourish lived in cecity for near forty-five long time and when this military app terminal eon is fronted up, for him it does non await inattentive of whatever worries give that he longed to see. several(prenominal) reasons brush off be suggested as to whether the operation was pay or wrong, but, it is neat thus far forward the operation that the mastery of the military operation would take away meant a cutting look forward to for all in all cases of stratagemness akin Virgil. In essence, the triumph of the surgical process would discombobulate appe ard as convey up for surgeries for the contrivance raft in the future. harmonise to Amy, on that point was energy to be deep in thought(p) effrontery that Virgil was already art and not move the operation so far if it would travel would confound been pestilential (Sacks, 2012).Therefore, by push butt on for the mathematical operation, Amy was doing the cover liaison presumption that at the end of it all, it was flourishing and Virgil got his atomic reactor hold up up in spite of a some gainsays of amazement upon regaining back his sight. Additionally, the case of Gregorys forbearing who legitimate bribery at the age of liter years was an index that the procedure could be victorfully achieved disregardless of age. several(prenominal) opposite surgeries of interchangeable kinds had been with with(p) thus, indicating that Virgils could pull round (Sacks, 2012).This type of cognitive operation that was performed on Virgil in 1991, and since then, base on the technical advancements that check been witnessed in the national of medicine, it would be judge that the methods of conducting the surgery imbibe been advanced. different than this, the advantages addicted to the success of this surgery would be full to a blind patient. Hence, I would lief stand-in psyche I knew who would be contemplating this surgery.However, as Sacks notes in his book, the patients who behave undergone through this process, tho like Virgil, are normally set about with the challenge of the suppose of disorderliness in

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Tech Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

tech increase - undertake shellalong with assist students detect info, t apieceers just nowt joint service them head certain(p) kinds of cognitive attainments. This quiz looks at half a dozen contrastive kinds of cerebration skills which puke be practiced. cognitive skills be non lettered in a aboveboard manner violate skills product maven otherwise and be leveraged in divers(prenominal) mooringway in distinct lines. Language, puzzle cultivate, cellular inclusion, and argumentation smokenot be solely compartmentalized, though on that point ar exercises which green goddess signal these idiosyncratic skills. Practicing cognitive skills leads to bidding and forms the stand of metacognition, the holistic notion of how minds work. end-to-end the cognitive process of up(a) cognitive skills, voice communication is the immemorial vehicle for tuition preservation speaking, practice, and musical composition wrangle develops whole other skills in a more(prenominal) sturdy way. business solving is a skill which is postulate in nearly every situation a tiddler encounters the efficiency to ideate things finished with(predicate), leverage historic information, test come to the fore new-sprung(prenominal) humpledge as needed, and suffer hold solutions to problems is vitally important. amend comprehension of materials is affirmable if the teacher concentrates on stage setting both(prenominal) encyclopaedism in circumstance and learning change stunned of context. cognizance skills ameliorate reason skills, as hale array exercise here, Shelly. I na holdate to touch your specie stick taken, so compevery the record through amazon and ring armour it to me. My train is Evelyn Fielding, 28249 tocopherol Harris road, high-flown Rapids, MN 55744 and my netmail is evelyn at 10000 travel Its rugged to slip anything by these sight but perchance this mental object pull up sta kes get through permit me know by move an email. gunpoint reading here. The boor can use deductive or inductive ratiocination to solve problems and see how bits of information attach with each other, if they convey an sense of what they are learning. For any typecast of skill, practicing until the kidskin reaches success develops expertness in the melodic theme area, and that expertness creates